Friday, April 5, 2024

FORESTNORTH - My Forest Home

Desktop versions
5K / 5639x3416 ................. 4K / 3840x2160

^ these two may lag slower devices

1920x1440 ................... 1920x1280


Mobile versions
1440x2160 ................. 1080x1920

Original pictures for the B/W version are mostly public domain stock elements:
Castle: K Mitch Hodge (unsplash), 3637x5105
Moon: Luke Stackpoole (unsplash), 2640x3960
Mountains: Sebastian Pichler (unsplash), 5104x3403
The blurry "foreground" tree branches were taken by me. Sadly I don't remember which picture I took them from.

(I don't have a source for the color version.)

These were somewhat difficult to make, and I ended up making a few somewhat rookie mistakes. Hopefully people either don't notice or don't care.

Forestnorth was a black metal project from Norway. Its only album to date has been a sort-of compilation of previously-released material from two of the artist's other projects. However they were all remastered and given a sort of "raw / darker" sound. Full disclosure, the B/W version was released on my label Annihilated Pentagram Productions.

If you like Unblack Metal Wallpapers, please share it with people!

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