Sunday, January 28, 2024

HOST - New World Order

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Original background is from a wallpaper from Crazy-Frankenstein who, themselves, seem to have adapted the explosion from... somewhere? The internet says the photo is credited to Alamy but I can't find it on there, and also that it's a photo of the Tsar Bomba but as far as I can tell, the explosion didn't look like this at all. (Also, I don't know where the city picture is taken from.) Any help with this?

So obviously the illuminati eye is from the reverse side of the US $1 bill. I couldn't find the original fire effects from the cover art so I made my own using these two public domain Unsplash fire pictures from (left) Chirag Nayak and (right) Amador Loureiro.

Host is/was an experimental / industrial black metal project from Brazil. It is/was a side project of the guy from the slightly better-known "Dark Woods" and "Hungry Vultures".

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